Award-Winning Jewellery Manufacturer Birmingham

Partnering with Brands & Designers Since 1999, Awarded for our exceptional quality & on time delivery.

Our Infrastructure & Team

Have worked with more than 400+ designers & brands across 30 countries and have been consistently recognised for exceptional quality & on-time delivery.

  • Complete German Casting Plant & Plating Machinery.

  • German Laser Soldering & Marking Machine.

  • German & Swiss Plating Solutions.

  • Fisher XRF machine for Metal & Micron testing.

  • 650 skilled craftsmen & 50 quality assurance experts.

  • Creative & Experienced CAD Designers with CAM.

  • Manufacture over 7000+ high-quality masterpieces every day.

  • In-house gemstones Manufacturing (200+ natural gemstones) with customised stone shapes & faceting.

  • Professional In-house legal team to protect your designs with NDA’s.

Our Sustainability Promise

We are a Smeta 4 pillar certified factory which encompasses all aspects of responsible business practices

  • Smeta 4 pillars Certified Green Factory: Recognized for responsible labor, health, safety, and environmental practices.

  • Utilizes Advanced wastewater treatment technology (STP/ETP) to recycle and reuse water within the factory to reduce water usage.

  • We source both silver & gold certified as recycled by SGS, to reduce the environmental footprint to minimise harm to ecosystems.

  • A dedicated system for managing hazardous chemical waste, ensuring proper disposal to protect the environment.

  • Solar-Powered Energy: Our factory boasts a massive 120kW solar panel system that generates over 186,782 kWh of clean energy.

  • Ethical sourcing practices of materials, ensuring responsible mining, fair treatment of workers, and minimal environmental impact.

Happy Designers & Brands

Essentials Jewelry takes pride in collaborating with over 260+ renowned brands and designers, establishing a sterling reputation for exceptional service and production quality. The resounding feedback from our esteemed clientele underscores our commitment to excellence. Clients consistently laud our attention to detail, precision in craftsmanship, and seamless production processes. These glowing reviews stand as a testament to our unwavering dedication to delivering unparalleled quality and customer satisfaction in the realm of jewelry manufacturing.

  • Smeta 4 pillars Certified Green Factory: Recognized for responsible labor, health, safety, and environmental practices.

  • We source both silver & gold certified as recycled by SGS, to reduce the environmental footprint to minimise harm to ecosystems.

  • Certified to ISO 45001:2018, we prioritize the highest standards of occupational health and safety in our jewelry manufacturing process.

  • Certified to ISO 14001:2015, we are committed to sustainable and environmentally responsible jewelry manufacturing practices.

  • Certified to ISO 9001:2015, we ensure top-tier quality management in every piece of our jewelry.

  • Certified to ISO 16732-1:2012, we implement rigorous fire safety engineering and risk assessment in our jewelry manufacturing facilities

Have Questions?

Get In Touch With Us / Schedule a Zoom Call. We are Happy to Help :)

Stone Manufacturing & Handmade Jewelry

Plot No. 23, Sudarshanpura Industrial Area, Bais Godam, Jaipur-302006, Rajasthan, INDIA

Certified Green Factory: Manufacturing For Brands & Designers

Plot No. 28 & 29, Sudarshanpura Industrial Area, Bais Godam, Jaipur-302006, Rajasthan, INDIA

Start with your free complimentary first collection, Share your sketches and feel the difference.”

Our Recent Works

Worked with more than 400+ designers & brands across 30 countries

About Essentials Jewelry

An Award-Winning Asia’s Leading Custom Jewellery Manufacturer


Brands & Designers


Custom Projects



you design, we create !!

Essentials Jewelry was formed a decade ago with one vision: to raise the industry standards of jewellery manufacturing. Now, we are an award-winning, Asia’s leading custom jewellery manufacturer.

We have worked with more than 260+ designers & brands across 30 countries and have been consistently recognized for our exceptional service quality & on-time delivery.

Utilizing an efficient production and logistics process, we specialize in manufacturing Custom, ODM, OEM, private label & white label jewellery as a manufacturer. With two operational factories, our 650+ craftsmen manufacture over 7000 high-quality masterpieces every day.

Learn more about our infrastructure, sustainable practices, and ethical business standards in our factory tour video.

Our Customers Across The World

We Specialize In Custom Manufacturing For Brands And Designers Across Denmark, Norway, The USA, The UK, Sweden, Australia, and More.
Our Expertise Serves The Following Clientele:

Our Brands Stocked at Prominent Department Stores: USA: Nordstrom, Macy’s , Denmark: Illums Bolighus, Magasin, Illum , UK: Selfridges, John Lewis, Harvey Nichols, Australia: David Jones etc ..

  • Established Demi-Fine Jewelry Brands: High-quality yet affordable jewelry that bridges the gap between fine and fashion jewelry.

  • Brands Developing Exclusive Concepts: Companies looking to create unique, exclusive new concepts.

  • Online Brands Selling Personalised Jewelry: Customisable jewelry with a manufacturing turnaround of 7 days.

  • Brands Collaborating with Disney: Disney-licensed jewelry collections.

  • Online Jewelry Brands Requiring Fast Fashion Jewelry: Companies launching new collections monthly.

  • Brands Manufacturing High-Quality Brass Jewelry: Pieces plated with gold or silver.

  • Brands Working with Lab-Grown Stones: Jewelry featuring lab-grown diamonds, Lab-grown white sapphires, rubies, blue sapphire, emeralds, etc.

Have Questions?

Get In Touch With Us / Schedule a Zoom Call. We are Happy to Help :)

Stone Manufacturing & Handmade Jewelry

Plot No. 23, Sudarshanpura Industrial Area, Bais Godam, Jaipur-302006, Rajasthan, INDIA

Certified Green Factory: Manufacturing For Brands & Designers

Plot No. 28 & 29, Sudarshanpura Industrial Area, Bais Godam, Jaipur-302006, Rajasthan, INDIA

Start with your free complimentary first collection, Share your sketches and feel the difference.”

Jewellery Manufacturer Birmingham

Boosting Your Jewelry Sales: Strategies for Success in Birmingham In the bustling city of Birmingham, a vibrant and diverse market presents numerous opportunities for jewelry retailers. However, navigating this competitive landscape requires strategic planning and a keen understanding of consumer preferences. Here, we explore actionable strategies to boost your jewelry sales and carve a niche for your brand in Birmingham’s dynamic market. Understanding the Birmingham Jewelry Market:  Birmingham, often referred to as the UK’s “Second City,” boasts a rich history and a thriving economy. The city’s Jewelry Quarter is renowned worldwide, with over 800 businesses, including retailers, designers, and manufacturers. This historic district has been the heart of the UK jewelry industry for over 200 years, making it a hotspot for both traditional and contemporary jewelry. To succeed in this competitive market, it’s essential to understand the local demographics and consumer behaviors. Birmingham is a melting pot of cultures, with a significant proportion of young professionals, students, and affluent families. Each of these groups has unique preferences and purchasing patterns.
Strategies for Success:  Leverage Local Heritage and Craftsmanship:  Birmingham’s Jewelry Quarter is synonymous with quality and tradition. Highlighting the local heritage in your marketing efforts can create a strong connection with customers who value craftsmanship. Incorporate stories about the history of your designs, the artisans behind them, and the significance of the Jewelry Quarter. This approach not only builds brand authenticity but also appeals to customers looking for unique, locally made pieces. Embrace Digital Transformation: 

Jewelry Manufacturer Birmingham

In today’s digital age, an online presence is non-negotiable. Ensure your website is user-friendly, mobile-optimized, and visually appealing. High-quality images and detailed product descriptions are crucial for online jewelry sales. Implement an easy-to-use e-commerce platform with secure payment options to enhance the customer experience. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is vital for driving organic traffic to your website. Use relevant keywords strategically in your content, such as “China Jewelry Manufacturer” for sourcing options, “Silver Jewelry Manufacturer” for material specifics, and “Gemstone Jewelry Manufacturer” for specialized products. However, avoid overstuffing keywords to maintain natural readability. Social Media Marketing:  Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest are powerful tools for jewelry marketing. These visual-centric platforms are perfect for showcasing your products. Use high-quality images, videos, and stories to engage with your audience. Collaborate with local influencers and fashion bloggers to reach a broader audience and build credibility. Engage with your followers through interactive posts, live sessions, and customer testimonials. Social media contests and giveaways can also boost engagement and attract new customers. Remember to use relevant hashtags to increase the visibility of your posts. Offer Personalized Shopping Experiences:  Personalization is key to standing out in a crowded market. Offer personalized services such as custom jewelry design, engraving, and styling consultations. Use customer data to tailor your marketing messages and product recommendations. For example, if a customer frequently buys gemstone jewelry, send them updates on new arrivals from your “Gemstone Jewelry Manufacturer” collection. Implement a loyalty program to reward repeat customers. Exclusive discounts, early access to new collections, and special offers can encourage customer retention and foster brand loyalty.

Custom Jewelry Manufacturer Birmingham

Invest in High-Quality Visual Merchandising:  In a physical store, the presentation of your products can significantly impact sales. Invest in high-quality visual merchandising to create an inviting and luxurious shopping environment. Use elegant display cases, proper lighting, and creative arrangements to highlight your pieces. Seasonal themes and rotating displays can keep your store looking fresh and attract repeat visitors. Host Events and Workshops:  Hosting events and workshops can create buzz and draw foot traffic to your store. Consider organizing jewelry-making workshops, fashion shows, or exclusive launch events for new collections. Collaborate with local fashion designers and artists to create unique experiences that resonate with your audience. These events provide an opportunity to build relationships with customers, showcase your expertise, and generate media coverage. Ensure you promote these events through your website, social media, and local advertising. Utilize Data Analytics:  Leverage data analytics to gain insights into customer behavior, sales trends, and inventory management. Analyze which products are most popular, which marketing campaigns are most effective, and what times of the year see the highest sales. This information can help you make informed decisions about stock levels, marketing strategies, and product offerings. Implementing a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system can streamline this process. A CRM system can track customer interactions, purchase history, and preferences, enabling you to provide personalized service and targeted marketing.

Custom Jewellery Manufacturer Birmingham

Expand Your Product Range:  Diversifying your product range can attract a wider audience and increase sales. Consider adding complementary products such as watches, accessories, or even related services like jewelry repair and cleaning. Offering a variety of price points can also cater to different customer segments, from budget-conscious shoppers to high-end collectors. Collaborate with designers or brands to create exclusive collections. Limited-edition pieces can create a sense of urgency and exclusivity, encouraging customers to make a purchase. Focus on Sustainability:  Sustainability is becoming increasingly important to consumers. Highlighting your commitment to ethical sourcing and sustainable practices can enhance your brand’s reputation and appeal to environmentally conscious customers. Use recycled materials, conflict-free gemstones, and eco-friendly packaging. Transparently communicate your sustainability efforts through your marketing channels.
Exceptional Customer Service:  Lastly, exceptional customer service is paramount. Train your staff to be knowledgeable, friendly, and attentive. Providing a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience can lead to positive reviews, word-of-mouth referrals, and repeat business. Respond promptly to customer inquiries, both in-store and online. Handling returns and complaints efficiently can also turn a potentially negative experience into a positive one. Conclusion:  Boosting your jewelry sales in Birmingham requires a multifaceted approach that combines traditional craftsmanship with modern marketing strategies. By leveraging local heritage, embracing digital transformation, and offering personalized experiences, you can build a strong and loyal customer base. Stay attuned to market trends, continuously innovate, and prioritize customer satisfaction to ensure long-term success in Birmingham’s vibrant jewelry market.

Jewellery Manufacturers Birmingham

How to Price Your Jewellery: A Comprehensive Guide For Birmingham City:  Pricing your jewelry correctly is a critical aspect of running a successful business. Whether you’re a designer in Birmingham’s historic Jewelry Quarter or an emerging artisan selling online, understanding how to set prices can make or break your venture. Here, we provide a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the complexities of jewelry pricing, ensuring your business thrives in Birmingham’s competitive market. Understanding the Market:  Birmingham is a city with a rich heritage in jewelry making, boasting a vibrant market filled with diverse consumer preferences. The Jewelry Quarter is home to over 800 businesses, including retailers, designers, and manufacturers, making it one of the largest and most prestigious jewelry-making hubs in the world. To price your jewelry effectively, you must first understand your target market. Birmingham’s customer base includes a mix of tourists, locals, young professionals, and high-net-worth individuals, each with different spending habits and preferences. Conduct market research to determine the average spending power of your customers and the types of jewelry they are most interested in. Cost-Based Pricing:  The most straightforward approach to pricing is cost-based pricing. This method involves calculating all the costs associated with producing your jewelry and adding a markup to ensure profitability. Here’s how you can do it: Material Costs: Include the cost of all raw materials, such as metals, gemstones, and other components. If you source materials from a “Jewellery Manufacturer Indonesia” or other suppliers, factor in shipping and import duties as well. Labor Costs: Calculate the time spent on designing and creating each piece. Assign an hourly rate to your labor and multiply it by the hours worked. If you employ staff, include their wages and benefits. Overhead Costs: Account for all business-related expenses, such as rent, utilities, equipment, marketing, and insurance. Divide these costs by the number of pieces you produce to get an overhead cost per item. Profit Margin: Decide on a profit margin that reflects your brand’s positioning in the market. Luxury brands might aim for a higher margin, while more accessible brands might opt for a lower one to attract a broader customer base. For example, if the total cost of producing a ring is £100, and you want a profit margin of 50%, you would price the ring at £150. Value-Based Pricing:  Value-based pricing focuses on the perceived value of your jewelry to the customer rather than just the cost of production. This method requires a deep understanding of what your customers value and are willing to pay for. Brand Perception: If your brand is associated with luxury, craftsmanship, and exclusivity, customers may be willing to pay a premium. Highlight aspects like unique designs, limited editions, and collaborations with well-known artists or “Jewellery Manufacturer Italy” to enhance perceived value.
Customer Benefits: Consider the emotional and functional benefits your jewelry provides. Does it make the wearer feel special or elegant? Is it made from sustainable materials? If you work with “Sustainable Jewellery Manufacturers“, emphasize this in your marketing to attract eco-conscious consumers. Competitive Analysis: Study your competitors’ pricing strategies. Identify what similar products are priced at in Birmingham and how your jewelry compares in terms of quality, design, and brand reputation. Adjust your prices to reflect your position in the market. Psychological Pricing:  Psychological pricing techniques can influence customer behavior and enhance perceived value. Some common strategies include: Charm Pricing: Pricing items just below a round number, such as £49.99 instead of £50, can make them seem more affordable. Bundle Pricing: Offer discounts on sets or bundles, encouraging customers to buy more. For example, a matching necklace and earring set might be priced lower than the sum of buying each piece separately. Premium Pricing: Setting higher prices can create an aura of exclusivity and quality. This strategy works well if your brand is positioned as a luxury or high-end option.

Jewelry Manufacturers Birmingham

Seasonal and Demand-Based Pricing:  Adjusting your prices based on seasonality and demand can maximize your revenue. Seasonal Pricing: During peak seasons like Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and wedding season, demand for jewelry typically increases. Consider raising your prices slightly during these periods to capitalize on higher demand. Promotions and Discounts: Offer periodic sales and discounts to attract customers during slower periods. Limited-time offers create a sense of urgency, encouraging customers to make a purchase. Dynamic Pricing: Use data analytics to track customer behavior and adjust prices in real-time based on demand. This approach can be particularly effective for online sales. Communicating Value:  How you present your pricing can significantly impact customer perception. Here are some tips for effectively communicating the value of your jewelry: Transparency: Be clear about what goes into the pricing of your jewelry. Share stories about the sourcing of materials, the craftsmanship involved, and any unique aspects of your production process. Customers appreciate transparency and are more likely to value your products accordingly. Brand Storytelling: Create a compelling narrative around your brand. Highlight your journey, your inspirations, and the artisans behind your pieces. This emotional connection can justify higher prices and foster customer loyalty. Customer Service: Exceptional customer service can add significant value. Offer personalized consultations, after-sales services like cleaning and repairs, and a hassle-free return policy. A positive customer experience can justify premium pricing. Conclusion:  Pricing your jewelry in Birmingham requires a strategic blend of cost analysis, market understanding, and value communication. By considering factors such as material and labor costs, brand perception, competitive landscape, and psychological pricing techniques, you can set prices that not only cover your costs but also resonate with your target market. Remember, pricing is not a one-time task but an ongoing process. Regularly review and adjust your prices based on market trends, customer feedback, and business goals. With thoughtful pricing strategies, you can ensure your jewelry business thrives in Birmingham’s vibrant and competitive market.